All proceeds of this conference will be donated to the Red Cross to assist in the crisis in Yemen and provide relief-aid for Beirut.
“Courage is the power to let go of the familiar” (Raymond Lindquist). The global pandemic has seen thousands of events and gatherings postponed or cancelled due to social distancing, yet it is our responsibility to keep fighting for the causes we believe in and adapt to the circumstances. Gathering the courage necessary to adapt the familiar format of presencial MUNs to an innovative online platform, IE University will be hosting its first Virtual Model United Nations on the 10th and 11th of October. Welcome to IEUMUN 2020!
We want to provide a platform where each and everyone of you can contribute to the proposal of solutions for current issues, bringing together students from all over the world to fight for a common cause. The conference will simulate 3 committees from the UN: the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
Not only will delegates be providing solutions to current crises like the one in Yemen, but they will also be directly helping the people which are living under those circumstances by paying their delegate fees: as stated above, all proceeds of the conference will be donated to the Red Cross to assist in the crisis in Yemen and provide relief-aid for Beirut.
We will be hosting workshops on foreign policy with professionals and on MUN procedure before the conference so that all of the delegates come fully prepared to make the most out of the committee sessions. And if you still can’t find the courage to let go of the familiar, we will be making sure that the online experience is as close as possible to a presencial MUN by incorporating informal evening activities where delegates can get to know each other!
Are you ready to engage in #diplomacyforchange?
By linking previous editions of your conference you show people how well they were rated!

Adam Douglas Rose
Executive Committee Member - Segovia President

Alisher Akhmadjonov
Executive Committee Member - Madrid President

Christian Roessler
Under Secretary General of Marketing

Dhruvi Khandelwal Sukhnani
Director General
Kevin Febres
Debate Coach

Olivier Baeten
Undersecretary General of Logistics

Raquel Hazeu González
Secretary General

Yasmin Akhrarova
Undersecretary General of Human Resources