HumboldtMUN 2024 | Mexico City 2024-01-25 | 2024-01-25 | mymun


Mexico City, Mexico

Jan 25 - Jan 27, 2024

100 delegates expected

University Students and School Students



Jan 10, 2024 - Jan 19, 2024

Head Delegates

Jan 10, 2024 - Jan 19, 2024

Faculty Advisor

Jan 10, 2024 - Jan 19, 2024

Costo: Delegado: $350,  Co-delegaci贸n: $200.00 c/u, Faculty: Sin costo 

El objetivo de este modelo es favorecer el desarrollo del pensamiento cr铆tico entre los participantes, a partir de fortalecer sus capacidades  de di谩logo, negociaci贸n, escucha activa, diplomacia y toma de acuerdos  para la resoluci贸n de problemas en conjunto, en un ambiente de respeto a la diversidad y pluralidad. Adem谩s de la construcci贸n de v铆nculos s贸lidos entre los delegados y el entorno pol铆tico, econ贸mico y social.

The objective of this model is to promote the development of critical thinking among the participants, by strengthening their capacities for dialogue, negotiation, active listening, diplomacy and agreement-making to solve problems together, in an environment of respect for the diversity and plurality. In addition to the construction of solid links between delegates and the political, economic and social environment.


Cabinet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Cabinet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

13 Spots


Stabilization of the Soviet homeland