GSMUN 2018 | Istanbul 2018-04-26 | 2018-04-26 | mymun


Istanbul, Turkey

Apr 26 - Apr 29, 2018

150 delegates expected

University Students and School Students

Cold War 2.0 : Reset of the Power Equilibrium Through the New World Order

Proudly as ever, in 2018, International Law and Diplomacy Club brings you the 19th session of Galatasaray University Model United Nations. This year our conference focuses on the balance shift that the World has been observing for recent years. The makeshift alliances between countries and crises emerging in blink of an eye; the World and its balance shifts towards the unknown. While having focused particularly on this concept; the General Assembly Committees of GSMUN will have you delve deep into the New Age of Order. Also, you will experience the establishment of Justice in this New Era in our International Court of Justice.


The concept does not only focus on today, indeed. Our recent decades have witnessed many events, whether tragic or trailblazing. This is why our Historical Security Council is prepared for you to experience. Last but not least, we were also wondering what the future would bring for this new balance; hence, we created the Intergalactic Council to animate what the future would bring.


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