Gravitas 2023 | chandigarh 2023-03-25 | 2023-03-25 | mymun



Mar 25 - Mar 26, 2023


500 delegates expected

University Students and School Students



Feb 12, 2023 - Mar 24, 2023

"Empowering the Next Generation of Global Leaders"

Dear Delegate,

We are thrilled to invite you to participate in the Gravitas Model United Nations (MUN) Conference, to be held at our Secretariat. As one of the premier MUN conferences in the region, Gravitas MUN provides a platform for students from around the world to engage with critical global issues and develop their skills in diplomacy, negotiation, and leadership.

As a delegate, you will be representing a country and will have the opportunity to engage in debates and discussions with other delegates on a range of topics. You will work collaboratively to draft and negotiate resolutions that can help address the challenges we face today.

Gravitas MUN offers a range of committees and topics, from the United Nations General Assembly to specialized agencies, to ensure that there is something for everyone. Our Secretariat is committed to providing a dynamic, challenging, and engaging experience for all delegates.

We encourage you to come prepared, with a positive attitude, and a willingness to learn and engage with others. Remember that the MUN Conference is not just about winning, but about building connections and learning from others.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Secretariat and to the Gravitas MUN Conference. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


The Secretariat.


United Nation General Assembly
United Nations Human Rights Council
United Nation General Assembly
United Nations Human Rights Council

195 Spots


120 Spots


Advancing Peace and Stability in Ethiopia through Disarmament, Political Reconciliation and Inclusive Development.


Contemplation on the human trafficking crisis with special emphasis on young runaways.
