GOMUN online 2020 | Prague 2020-05-04 | 2020-05-04 | mymun


Prague, Czech Republic

May 4 - May 6, 2020

100 delegates expected

University Students and School Students

GOMUN online (or Gymnazium Omska Model United Nations online) is an educational event intended for both high school and college students. It is a non-profitable conference led entirely by the students of Gymnazium Omska (a grammar school in Prague). Just like any other MUN conference, GOMUN is a simulation of procedures within the actual United Nations. In the roles of UN delegates, students can obtain and improve many useful skills.

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, this year's edition of GOMUN is going to be unique - it will be held completely online via the Microsoft Teams platform.

Delegate applications are to be closed on the 26th of April, thus do not hesitate an apply, in order to secure the best spot in your favourite committee.

The organization team intends to make the conference as accessible as possible, therefore there is no fee - the event is for free!

For further information and applications, please visit our webpage: https://gomun.cz/ 

In order to stay updated, do not hesitate and follow our social sites: https://www.facebook.com/gomunconference / https://www.instagram.com/gomunconference/


GOMUN Prague 2019

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Human Rights Council
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Economic and Financial Committee
Disarmament and International Security
Economic and Social Council
Special Political and Decolonisation Committee
Historical Security Council
Security Council
Human Rights Council
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Economic and Financial Committee
Disarmament and International Security
Economic and Social Council
Special Political and Decolonisation Committee
Historical Security Council
Security Council

Resolving the Issue of Human Rights Violations in Chechnya

The Issue of Brutal Suppression of Hong Kong Protests


The Political Instability and Ongoing Warfare in Somalia

The Issue of Drug Trafficking into Europe with regards to the participation of terrorist and separatist organisations in this activity


Resolving the Oil Price War Between Russia and OPEC Member States

Resolving the Issue of Enforceability of Interstate Debt Payments and the Impact of Such Enforcement on International Stability


Solution of the Western Sahara Conflict

Creating guidelines for the enforcement of the Biological Weapons Convention (Threat of Potential Biological Weapons)


Stabilisation of the Central African Republic

Resolving the Global Economic and Social Impact of Ecological Measures Taken in Order to Prevent Catastrophic Global Warming and Climate Cha... Read all


Question of the Turkish - Syrian Border Conflict

Resolving the Libyan Civil War


Suez Canal Crisis


Fixing the Impact of COVID-19 on Global Economy