Crossroads of diplomacy
Global Diplomacy Nexus was founded in 2023 after 2 individuals decided to turn their shared interests into an official MUN. When you decide to join us, you too will gain access to various events and, most importantly, to a group of like-minded individuals who are just as passionate as you are.
Theme: "Prevention and mitigation of armed conflict and threats to global peace and stability"
7 committees: Security Council (SC), General Assembly (GA), UN Childrens Fund (UNICEF), International Maritime Organisation (IMO), African Union (AU) and the World Health Organisation (WHO)
Committee themes:
SC "Mitigation of current Armed Conflicts"
GA "Assesment of threats to global peace by individuals, organisations and states"
UNICEF "Protection of children in areas of conflict"
IMO "regulating international maritime trade by reviewing claims to contested waters"
AU "Creating contingency plans to mitigate the threat of coups and armed groups"
ICJ "Alleged Violations of International Law in Cyberspace"
WHO "Adressing the detiriorating state of health care and health of the general public in active and post active conflict zones/areas"
By linking previous editions of your conference you show people how well they were rated!

Glodn Mun 2024
MUN Profile

Luyando Chikuba
Co-Secretary General/Founder

Trisha Bashak
Co-Secretary General/Founder