GimMUN 2017 | Ptuj 2017-04-01 | 2017-04-01 | mymun


Ptuj, Slovenia

Apr 1 - Apr 4, 2017

180 delegates expected

School Students



Security Council
Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (SHCC - GA3)
World Health Organization (WHO)
The United Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment Program (EAEP)
Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPDC - GA4)
Security Council
Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (SHCC - GA3)
World Health Organization (WHO)
The United Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment Program (EAEP)
Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPDC - GA4)

The Question of Palestine

The Question of Conflict Zones in South Sudan

The Question of the Danger of Nuclear Weapons


The Question of LGBT Rights in the Commonwealth Nations

The Question of the Right to Abortion

The Question of Undeprivileged Rural Areas


The Question of the Ethics of Euthanasia

The Question of limiting Tobacco Production and Accessibility

The Question of the Accessibility to Mental Health Treatment
