GhentMUN 2020 | Gent 2020-04-03 | 2020-04-03 | mymun


Gent, Belgium

Apr 3 - Apr 5, 2020


140 delegates expected

University Students


Head Delegates

Jan 1, 2020 - Mar 25, 2020

Faculty Advisor

Jan 1, 2020 - Mar 25, 2020


Feb 28, 2020 - Apr 3, 2020

Welcome to Ghent Model United Nations

GhentMUN is the MUN conference of Ghent, in cooperation with Ghent University (UGent), Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and the United Nations Youth Association of Ghent (UNYA Gent). We offer committees for beginners to expert level participants.

Chair applications are now closed

The team of chairs, as well as the topics of each committee, have been selected. We have gathered a team of experts in each field, therefore ensuring that the best candidate has been allocated to each committee. You can check who the chairs are below in this page.

Delegate applications are still open

Applications after March 22nd will not be taken into consideration.The result of the selection will be communicated to successful candidates. As participants, you are offered multiple choices on which country and committee you would like to represent. However, we cannot ensure that you will be chosen to represent such country, as this will depend on the assigning criteria of the Secretariat. We will base our assignment criteria on the previous delegate's experience, motivation letter and expected outcome of the MUN.

Delegates are expected to cover their participation fees, transport, and visa (if necessary to enter Schengen) costs and reservations. Anyhow, GhentMUN will be covering most meals during the event. We will also provide you with an invitation letter in order to get a visa as soon as the 25€ participation payment is made and a letter of enrollment has been sent to the GhentMUN e-mail: .

Corona virus update:

GhentMUN has communicated with the University of Ghent to see what the university's actions are. As of now we have received word that there is a very low risk of cancellation, because Belgium is a non-risk nation at the moment. The government has also said indoor events that host more than 1000 people in Brussels are the only ones that need to be cancelled. For this reason we are almost 100% sure that the conference will not be cancelled by neither the Belgian government, local government or the University of Ghent. However in the off chance the conference does get cancelled you will receive a refund of your participation fee. 

Official GhentMUN 2020 Schedule


GhentMUN 2020



GhentMUN 2019



GhentMUN 2018




WHO (Beginner)
Human Right Council (Beginner)
UNESCO (Beginner)
European Council (Mediocre)
Historical Security Council (Expert)
WHO (Beginner)
Human Right Council (Beginner)
UNESCO (Beginner)
European Council (Mediocre)
Historical Security Council (Expert)

27 Spots


37 Spots


19 Spots


28 Spots


20 Spots


Health Data Sharing

Mitigating the Health Impacts of Pollution


The hidden Chinese re-education camps in Xinjiang and the violation of human rights against ethical minorities

Dealing with the humanitarian situation of the Venezuelan migration crisis


Educational assurance: Compelling primary school and encouraging growth in secondary scholars

Protecting world heritage sites in conflict areas


European Union policy on Youth Empowerment

European Union strategy addressing Climate Change


Peace, Justice and strong institutions – The Kosovo Crisis in 1999

War-torn in Somalia - 2009

Partner Conferences

AUCMUN 2020Logo

Amsterdam, Netherlands

URUMUN 2020Logo

Utrecht, Netherlands