GEMUN Grenoble 2023 | Grenoble 2023-01-26 | 2023-01-26 | mymun


Grenoble, France

Jan 26 - Jan 28, 2023

120 delegates expected

University Students


GEMUN, Grenoble Ecole de Management's UN simulation, is back this year for its 6th edition! This year, the theme will be... Economic War and Peace! Come and put yourself in the shoes of a diplomat and defend the interests of your country, from January 26 to 28!

The fees include :

  • The conference in itself,
  • The welcome pack (goodies),
  • An afterwork
  • The Saturday night party

Link to register :

GEMUN 6ème édition

Le GEMUN, simulation onusienne de Grenoble Ecole de Management, revient cette annĂ©e pour sa 6ème Ă©dition ! Cette annĂ©e, le thème sera… Guerre et Paix Economique ! Viens te mettre dans la peau d’un diplomate et dĂ©fendre les intĂ©rĂŞts de ton pays, du 26 au 28 janvier prochain !

Les frais comprennent :

  • La confĂ©rence en elle-mĂŞme,
  • Le pack de bienvenue (goodies),
  • Un afterwork
  • La soirĂ©e du samedi soir

Lien d'inscription :


GEMUN 2022

( )( )( )( )( )
0 Ratings


UNDP (United Nations Development Program
Economic Commission for Africa
UNEP (United Nations Environment Program)
OMC (Organisation Mondiale du Commerce)
UNDP (United Nations Development Program
Economic Commission for Africa
UNEP (United Nations Environment Program)
OMC (Organisation Mondiale du Commerce)

Development aid as a tool for economic and social peace: how to prevent economic conflicts through external financing

Ensuring that developing countries have the opportunity to develop sustainable industry in a context of globalization


Breaking out of the Dutch disease in single-exporting countries

Aiming for more ethical cooperation between foreign companies and African states


Optimiser la consommation énergétique pour réduire les dépendances

Favoriser le développement du tourisme durable


Légiférer sur le projet chinois des nouvelles routes de la soie

La protection des entreprises face aux risques cyber
