Beyond Borders : Bridging Nations through International Cooperation.
It is a great pleasure for us to present the first edition of France Model United Nations (FMUN), from the 24th to the 27th of June 2024. FMUN is a project of the Fédération pour la Diplomatie et les Nations Unies (FDNU), aiming to promote diplomatic engagement in France, by fostering international cooperation and underlining the values of the UN to young generations. This MUN is the first one to represent the plurality of all French MUNs, and is therefore going to be the first international MUN to highlight French culture and lifestyle.
The theme of our conference “Beyond Borders: Bridging Nations through International Cooperation” focuses on the idea of overcoming physical, political, and cultural boundaries between nations to encourage international collaboration. This involves creating connections between different countries to work together toward common goals. Indeed, our teams are currently doing their utmost to provide academic excellence but most importantly diversity, as FMUN will welcome delegates from all around the world and encourage cultural appreciation.
This year, our conference will be held in Toulouse, an innovative and diverse city in the South of France. FMUN will take place in a prestigious university, thanks to our collaboration with the Sustainable Development Department (BDD), a student society of the school ENSEEIHT.
For its first edition, FMUN choses to set the bar high by hosting 400 delegates in over 20 various and fascinating committees. Through fruitful debates, exciting conferences held by distinguished attendees but also spectacular events, FMUN guarantees an unforgettable experience throughout its four days.
We hope that FMUN24 will be a new step towards a more inclusive, multilateral and sustainable world that will be shaped by every delegate, and this, for years to come.
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Partner Conferences

Academics Services
Academics Services

Alicia Formento Ruiz
Deputy Secretary General

Armand Avizanda Perelló-Santandreu
FDNU President

Célia Saoudi
USG Ceremonies

Charlotte Bonnefoy
Delegate Services

Charlotte Pascal
Deputy Secretary General

Clothilde Mazurier
USG Academics

Delegates Services
Delegates Services

Eléonore Novario
USG Delegate Services

Eva Cerretani
Delegate Services

Johanna Muth
USG Communications

Loujaine Ghannouchi
FDNU Secretary General
Matias Gutiérrez Efron
FDNU Financer

Min-Jee Le Roux
USG for Logistics

Mohamed Nhili
USG Academics

Samantha Bednarski
Delegate Services

Yoan Schnitzler
Secretary General