Flip the Script: A World of Infinite Possibilities
FAMUN stands for FACAMP Model United Nations. The conference is offered by FACAMP (Faculdades de Campinas) and organized by its Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Relações Internacionais (NUEPRI).
FAMUN celebrates its 10th edition in 2023, a milestone in Brazilian MUN history! FAMUN is proud of being the only simulation in the world affiliated with WIMUN, whose approach reproduces the real dynamics of United Nations negotiations.
At FAMUN, students from Brazil and abroad can interact with UN system officials and experts to create innovative solutions to global problems. FAMUN 2023 will take place in person.
For FAMUN 2023, we will be holding 8 committees and councils for High School students and 2 committees and councils for University delegates. For more information, view our committees below!
Registrations are now open!
Register at: https://famun.com.br/registration/
Send us an email at: famun@facamp.com.br for more information!