Bonding families across MUN borders
Meet the FamMUN!
We are inviting you to the first edition of Family Model United Nations, where you can experience the dynamics of international diplomacy in a welcoming and inclusive environment 🫂
We allow you to engage in meaningful debates in a variety of committees from HRC to Crisis Committee. Meanwhile, we aim to create a family-friendly atmosphere where each delegate, chair, and page feel valued. We believe that each committee will enable you to tackle the most important global issues, while arguing or acquiring allies.
As from the secretariat we promise great collaboration. We are working hard to provide the best quality. At the same time we build a family-like relationship and we want you to become a part of our big MUN fam 🧑🧑🧒🧒
Can’t wait to see you in the charming city of Kraków in October 2024,
Your lovely FamMUN secretariat <3
By linking previous editions of your conference you show people how well they were rated!
Partner Conferences
Daniel Karapetyan
USG for Finances

Emilia Szczudrawa
Deputy Secretary General
Helena Cukier
Page Mommy

Nela Walczuk
President of the General Assembly

Szymon Połapski
USG for Logistics

Valeriia Kosse
Secretary General

Zuzanna Krok
USG for Media