Fun and Knowledge Model United Nations
What is FaKMUN?
FaKMUN is new free on-line conference accesible for everyone. We want this conference to be avaliable for everyone.
Who should join this conference?
Our conference have committees for every level from beginers to experts. FaKMUN is great for first time delegates and people who have participated in some conferences already. However if you have much more expirience you are still more then welcome and you can win titles then.
What titles can you win?
In our conference you can win one of two titles.
- Incredible Delegate- This award is given to this individuals which are the best delegates in their committee.
- GOAT of FakMUN- This title will get only one person and the way how to get it will be told during the conference.
By linking previous editions of your conference you show people how well they were rated!
Partner Conferences
Filip Gmurkowski
President of General Assembly
Maria Nicewicz
Night Paperwork Worker
Olivier Kucharski
FaKMUN Owner