Connecting the Past to the Future
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic EuroMUN 2020 has been cancelled. For further information visit our website.
EuroMun 2020 will be different from any previous conferences we have
hosted so far. We are changing the location to Maastricht
University’s own Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in the heart of Maastricht and reducing the number of delegates from previous years.
EuroMUN 2020 is based on two pillars:
Academic Excellence and Delegate Experience
Here at EuroMUN, we have well over a decade of experience. Together with many new ideas we ensure our delegates will experience the highest possible level of academics, while enjoying themselves at our innovative socials.
For more information, visit our website!
Limited early bird tickets for a reduced price.
Limited spots available for high school students.
Minimum age to apply is 16 on the first conference day.

Alastair Hannaford
Academics Team

Anna Lehnert
Registrations Team

Bernadette Morris
Registrations Team

Elena Ahrens
Registrations Team

Emili Stefanova
Academics Team

Estelle Herbiet
Registrations Team

Frederic Freitag
Secretary General and Conference Coordinator

Joël Koutangni
Academics Team
Joyce Cobussen
Coordinator for Finance and Fundraising

Julian Schneider
Coordinator for Delegate Registrations

Karen Sturm
Coordinator for Conference Operations
Lilith Dzialowski
Registrations Team

Maria Pia Lucariello
Academics Team

Marta Marie Kukk
Registrations Team

Miruna Dinu
Coordinator for Academics and Committees

Noa Zogo Ayissi
Academics Team

Piotr Sanejko
Deputy Secretary General