Estonian Model United Nations is an entry-level international MUN conference for high school students (age 15-19). The conference takes place in Estonia and is supported by NGO Mondo, Tartu loodusmaja, Estonian National Commission for UNESCO, Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Republic of Estonia Ministry of Education and Research. Additional activities are supported by the U.S. Embassy in Estonia and Embassy of Sweden in Estonia.
The deadline for applications is the 5th of March, 2020!
The selected participants will receive a confirmation of their participation by March 9, 2020.
Orissaare Gümnaasium, Estonia
April 23-26, 2020
Committees and topics:
United Nations Committee on the Status of Women (UNCSW):
Ensuring Active Participation of Women in Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP):
Managing Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Consumption for Climate Action
United Nations Security Council (UNSC)*:
Cuban Missile Crisis
*Alternative History Committee!
Media Representatives (MEDIA Reps):
Responsibility of Media in Reporting Controversial Global Issues
Language of the event: English
We expect up to 4 students aged 15-19 from each foreign school. In case of minors, delegation must be accompanied by a teacher. Note that the students will not be working as teams during EstMUN, but will represent their countries individually. Media representatives will be working in small groups, but we also intend to mix students from different schools. The list of committees and countries along with the infopack will be sent out to selected participants after March 9 so that everyone has enough time to prepare for the conference.
There will also be some social events and workshops for the students organized in the evenings. For the teachers we plan to organize separate discussions and workshops (any ideas from participating teachers are welcome!).
Local costs in Estonia (accommodation for 3 nights at the school’s boarding house, food at Orissaare Gümnaasium and party place, transport Tallinn-Orissaare Gümnaasium-Tallinn) are covered by the organizers, but each delegation needs to take care of their travel expenses to Tallinn. This year we are also collecting participation fee of 25 euros from participants. In case of financial struggles, please contact the organizers after being confirmed as a participant so that we can resolve any struggles individually.
Note that the opening ceremony will be in Tallinn Old Town (Embassy of Sweden) on April 23 at 13:00-16:00 and transport from Tallinn to Orissaare will be organized after that.
On April 26 we will start moving to Tallinn after lunch and reach Tallinn in the evening. Please plan your departure from Tallinn not earlier than 7 pm. One bus will also take participants to Pärnu that is very close to Latvian border, so participants that wish to travel through Latvia, can also choose that option on Sunday.
Please register each participant (and teacher!) individually using this form not later than the 5th of March, 23:59: