EAIMUN 2018 | Kabul 2018-04-26 | 2018-04-26 | mymun


Kabul, Afghanistan

Apr 26 - Apr 29, 2018

350 delegates expected

University Students and School Students

Elbe Ariana International Model United Nations (EAIMUN) is Afghanistan’s first Model United Nation conference hosting international delegates from across Europe and Asian countries. The event will be organized by a group of experienced MUNers and Students with the help & support of Concept House Consulting (CHC) & Core Skills Focus Organization (CSFO) in the historical city of Kabul, Afghanistan. The idea of Elbe Ariana International Model United Nations originates from the elbMUN conference which is based in Dresden city of Germany. The logo precisely describes the Elbe (river) which represents the prestigious partnership of elbMUN, Germany, and the Qala-e-Bost monument represents the ancient history of Ariana currently known as Afghanistan. The Elbe Ariana International Model United Nation is an intercultural exchange conference as well as a deeper start of an international bond between west and east.

EAIMUN aims to be the medium for participants of diverse background, culture and disciplines thus to share, discuss, and potentially find solutions to current global issues. EAIMUN aims to enhance participants from all over the world thus to take part in this prestigious conference and explore a new world of Model United Nations in Afghanistan.

EAIMUN presents a great platform for young diplomats to groom themselves in understanding international foreign policy and diplomacy in a suitably incredible found within EAIMUN. Additionally, the MUN will offer diverse forums of debate with topics of international importance as well as of regional interest.


Security Council
Meshrano Jirga (House of Elders)
Security Council
Meshrano Jirga (House of Elders)