DrugaMUN 2023 | Maribor 2023-11-17 | 2023-11-17 | mymun


Maribor, Slovenia

Nov 17 - Nov 19, 2023


50 delegates expected

School Students



Sep 2, 2023 - Nov 15, 2023

DrugaMUN will be happening soon!

DrugaMUN will bring together aspiring young diplomats from the schools across the region and internationally, creating an intellectually stimulating environment for delegates to debate pressing global issues, negotiate solutions, and forge lasting connections. With this, participants can gain valuable insights into international relations, improve their public speaking abilities, and enhance their understanding of complex geopolitical challenges.

Our team of organizers has meticulously designed committees and topics that reflect the current state of world affairs. We have ensured a diverse range of committees, including the General Assembly, Security Council, and other committees to cater to various interests and expertise. Each committee will offer delegates an opportunity to delve into their assigned countries' positions, engage in fruitful debate, and work towards achieving consensus on relevant issues.

We encourage your school to register a delegation of enthusiastic students who possess passion for global affairs and a desire to make a difference. Our conference aims to provide a platform for young leaders to develop their skills and broaden their perspectives on the world stage.

Should any questions arise, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team at mun@druga.si.

If you need an invoice for organization by an organization, the payment can only be done via bank transfer, so please send us an email to mun@druga.si for the invoice.

Special discount for early birds: JYSFRIDM


DrugaMUN 2023

(*)(*)(*)(*)( )


2 Ratings

By linking previous editions of your conference you show people how well they were rated!


Disarmament and International Security (DISEC)
Security Council (UNSC)
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Disarmament and International Security (DISEC)
Security Council (UNSC)
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)



19 Spots




15 Spots




49 Spots


Preventing the militarization of outer space.

Addressing the security implications of AI in space operations.


Enhancing cybersecurity measures to protect critical infrastructure from cyber threats during conflict.

The possible impact of AI on international security and potential worldwide regulation of its excesses.


Harnessing AI and automation for sustainable development and poverty reduction.

Promoting inclusive growth and reducing economic inequalities through AI.


Aleksandra AnastasovaProfile Picture

Aleksandra Anastasova
President of General Assembly

Dora DraškovićProfile Picture

Dora Drašković
Deputy Secretary General

Mila PerinskaProfile Picture

Mila Perinska
Secretary General

Mina StanojlovicProfile Picture

Mina Stanojlovic
Head of Staff