CWMUN NYC 2022 | New York City 2022-03-24 | 2022-03-24 | mymun


New York City, United States

Mar 24 - Mar 26, 2022

4000 delegates expected

University Students and School Students


The Change the World Model UN New York City 2022

The Change the World is a Model UN events program sponsored by Associazione Diplomatici. It brings together over 10.000 students from all over the world every year to create international youth forums that takes place in New York, Rome, Dubai and Singapore. The experience is designed for young people who want to change the world and improve themselves. Change the World is an opportunity to grow, learn to relate to those who think differently and become citizens of the world. CWMUN is a unique event where students, political leaders, sports champions and geopolitics experts come together to discuss about future, cooperation and sustainability.



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