CVMUN 2016 | Chennai 2016-07-08 | 2016-07-08 | mymun


Chennai, India

Jul 8 - Jul 10, 2016

400 delegates expected

School Students


Elevation Through Creation

CVMUN is a model united nations conference held in the school chettinad vidyashram, chennai, which aims to simulate the debate and atmosphere for discussion found at an actual un session. This year would be the 8th session of CvMUN, standards of which keep increasing as each year passes. The executive board put together, exceeds 100 muns of experience in total. We at CV, tend to outdo ourselves and our competitors by introducing something new and helpful each year.

This year would be no different. Cvmun16 consists of a total of 10 committees, off which most are non conventional and some are being simulated for the first time in the south Asian school munning circuit. Reading this description doesn't even come close to experiencing the heat by actually being there.
