CRIMUN 2018 | San Jose 2018-09-07 | 2018-09-07 | mymun


San Jose, Costa Rica

Sep 7 - Sep 9, 2018


400 delegates expected

University Students and School Students



May 9, 2018 - Jul 15, 2018

Head Delegates

May 9, 2018 - Jul 15, 2018

Faculty Advisor

May 9, 2018 - Jul 15, 2018

CRIMUN 2018 is officially here!

Costa Rica International Model United Nations is an association of educational institutions that actively forms young leaders with a different perspective of educational activities. Our community is composed of teachers and students who collaborate in order to organize the conference and other amazing projects we have. CRIMUN will be held on September 7-9, 2018, at the Radisson Hotel in San JosĂ©, Costa Rica. Since its inception, CRIMUN has aimed to include students from all walks of life in this enriching educational activity, through its scholarships, trainings and conferences. With the goal of empowering and assisting young learners to become future leaders, CRIMUN believes your presence will be priceless in achieving this. We embrace the idea that, in order to become global ambassadors, students need to obtain a sense of awareness of the issues within their environment, as well as the skills to solve them, and as organizers, we are convinced that CRIMUN offers this toolset and more.

Throughout their time in Costa Rica, students will have the possibility of visiting magnificent places and enjoying the most amusing adventures. Delegates will spend their time attending culturally enriching activities, as well as having fun in beaches and tropical rainforests. Additional activities such as rafting, snorkeling, canopying, and excursions to volcanoes can also be arranged.

Conference fees:
  • Delegate Fee: $100 
  • Supervisor Fee: $100
  • School Fee: $300

Since last year CRIMUN has also begun to offer an exchange program for visiting International delegations that helps to reduce costs, and to show students the beauty of the Costa Rican way of life. The program includes an academic and cultural exchange component where students stay with a host family during the weekends, participate in CRIMUN, and also get the chance to explore some of Costa Rica's natural beauty by visiting its Caribbean coast and several of its National Parks to explore the jungle, the beach and even a coral reef. This part of the journey is spent in a beach front hostel where students spend the night either in a hammock or camping tent and get a chance to meet the local afrocaribbean culture.

Cost of 2 week Exchange Program:
  • Foreign Students (Includes Conference Fee): $425/€345 
  • School registration fee: $300/€245 
  • Teacher and/or supervisor conference fee: $100/€80

Days in Costa Rica: 6-17 of September 
Last day to confirm participation: 31 of July.

Applications are open to university and high school students! Deadline: July 31st!


General Assembly
Historical Trusteeship Council
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Human Rights Committee
Security Council
World Intellectual Property Organization
General Assembly
Historical Trusteeship Council
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Human Rights Committee
Security Council
World Intellectual Property Organization

201 Spots


94 Spots


46 Spots


45 Spots


15 Spots


35 Spots


41 Spots


Autonomy and independence of trust territories.


The matrix of social injustice in Latin America addressing the problems of tax avoidance, tax evasion and tax haven.


The Yemen Humanitarian Crisis: from Civil War to massive hunger and malnutrion.


Restructuring peacekeeping operations around the globe.


Children's and teenagers' education in military conflict​ zones.


Addressing the usage of blockchain​ technologies and its implications.