COMUN Gouda 2023 | Gouda 2023-02-10 | 2023-02-10 | mymun


Gouda, Netherlands

Feb 10 - Feb 13, 2023

200 delegates expected

School Students



Oct 1, 2022 - Dec 8, 2022


Oct 2, 2022 - Dec 8, 2022

Faculty Advisor

Oct 2, 2022 - Dec 8, 2022

The theme for this year reads: β€˜From a separated world to global peace: the need for a new look on institutions.’ During these unstable times it is apparent that many international organisations lack the political power they need to solve international issues, since sovereignty of individual countries has been the primary concern. It is imperative to remember the importance of global cooperation and to re-evaluate our tools. We must move towards a brighter future and a peaceful world.

Since global peace cannot be reached without competent leaders, the 2023 edition is a crucial step to educate the next generation of diplomats, lawmakers and judges, and gift them an understanding of global politics. Containing the Security Council, Crisis Committee, ECOSOC, HRC, and the General Assembly, the setup of COMUN 2023 is a recipe for success. The conference welcomes delegates with varying experience, from practiced MUNers to first timers. A workshop will be given prior to the conference to introduce and clarify the procedures of MUN debate.

The conference fee will amount to €50 for delegates, student officers, press officers and MUN directors. The cost cover catering, office supplies as well as a Saturday night party. The conference provides housing for a small additional charge of €5. This needs to be requested before the 8th of November. We have the aspiration to fulfil every request, but we will give priority to those who travel the furthest or who would not be able to participate otherwise.

Registrations before the 21st of October will receive an early bird discount of €10. Single delegates as well as schools will be able to receive this discount. This does mean that school delegations will need to have submitted their individual registration by that date. The final deadline to register will be on the 8th of December. You may also register as student officer (before the 8th of November.), and as press officer (also before the 8th of December. The registration links can be found  underneath, please fill them in to finish the registration process. 

School registration

Single Delegate Registration

Student Officer Registration




General Assembly 1
General Assembly 2 (GA2)
General Assembly 3 (GA3)
Security Council
Crisis Committee
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Human Rights Council (HRC)
Historical Security Council (HSC)
General Assembly 1
General Assembly 2 (GA2)
General Assembly 3 (GA3)
Security Council
Crisis Committee
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Human Rights Council (HRC)
Historical Security Council (HSC)




