ClarkMUN 2024 | Worcester 2024-03-23 | 2024-03-23 | mymun


Worcester, United States

23 Mar 2024

425 delegates expected

School Students


DISEC 1985: Fortieth Session on Bilateral Nuclear Arms
UNEP: Arctic Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples
2023 UNPBC: Post Conflict Peace Building
US Senate: Information Literacy and Academic Freedom
African Union: Visa Free Africa and Economic Integration
Risorgimento! The Court and Cabinet of Victor Emmanuel II, 1859
¡Visca Catalunya! The 2017-18 Catalan Independence Crisis
The Ultron Paradox: Age of Ultron AU
Blood in the Banana Republic: The Guatemalan Coup d'Etat of 1953-54
DISEC 1985: Fortieth Session on Bilateral Nuclear Arms
UNEP: Arctic Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples
2023 UNPBC: Post Conflict Peace Building
US Senate: Information Literacy and Academic Freedom
African Union: Visa Free Africa and Economic Integration
Risorgimento! The Court and Cabinet of Victor Emmanuel II, 1859
¡Visca Catalunya! The 2017-18 Catalan Independence Crisis
The Ultron Paradox: Age of Ultron AU
Blood in the Banana Republic: The Guatemalan Coup d'Etat of 1953-54

