CINMUN 2024 | Online 2024-08-10 | 2024-08-10 | mymun



Aug 10 - Aug 11, 2024

150 delegates expected

University Students and School Students



Jul 1, 2023 - Aug 5, 2024

"Empowering Minds, Transforming Futures: Uniting for Global Change."

We Welcome you to Participate in Cosmo International Model United Nations 2024

We are thrilled to invite you to our innovative and engaging Online Model United Nations (MUN) Conference! In this rapidly evolving global landscape, our conference offers a unique platform for students to sharpen their diplomatic skills, expand their understanding of international relations, and collaborate with peers from around the world, all from the comfort of their homes.

The Online MUN Conference brings together passionate and dynamic students to simulate the workings of the United Nations. Delegates will have the opportunity to step into the shoes of diplomats, representing various countries, and debate pressing global issues. Our conference focuses not only on traditional MUN topics but also on the impact of digitalization on international diplomacy. 

By the end of the conference, participants will have gained valuable insights, expanded their knowledge of global affairs, and developed a deeper appreciation for the importance of global cooperation. They will have formulated resolutions, recommendations, and action plans that contribute to the advancement of a more peaceful, sustainable, and equitable world.

The conference, with its diverse committees and the exciting addition of the special committee focusing on the Indian Committee, aims to innovate and empower delegates, equipped with the tools and knowledge to make a positive impact on the global stage.

~Signing off 

Awards Per Committee-

~ 1 Best Delegate Award 

~ 1 High Commendation Award

~ 2 Honorable Mentions

~ 2-3 Verbal Mentions {According to the Executive Board Decision} 


Mymun link- CosmoMUN'24 | 2024


Official Partners-  1) ENMUN'24 


President | Secretary-General 

Atharav Sharma 


Director General 

Chinmay Pandita                 



Commission on the Status of Women
Human Rights Council
All India Political Parties Meet {A.I.P.P.M}
Security Council
High Commissioner for Refugee
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Commission on the Status of Women
Human Rights Council
All India Political Parties Meet {A.I.P.P.M}
Security Council
High Commissioner for Refugee
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice



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CSW stands for the Commission on the Status of Women. It is a functional commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), dedicated to promoting gender equality and women's empow...

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HRC commonly stands for "Human Rights Council." The Human Rights Council is a key subsidiary body of the United Nations (UN) responsible for promoting and protecting human rights around the world. It ...

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AIPPM is an Advanced Committee and it is to be participated by the **Indian Participants only as it is an Indian Committee, The Language used in this Committee will be Hindi (National Language of Indi...

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The Security Council, often referred to as the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), is one of the principal organs of the United Nations (UN) responsible for maintaining international peace and sec...

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The High Commissioner for Refugees, often abbreviated as UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), is a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to addressing the needs and righ...

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The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice is a subsidiary body of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), dedicated to addressing global challenges related to crime prev...

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"Deliberation upon mass killings and exploitation of women rights with special emphasis to Islamic Member States and Proxy Wars."


"Discussing the human rights situation in conflict-affected areas, including civilian protection and access to humanitarian aid with emphasi... Read all


"Deliberation upon the Article 370 with special emphasis on abolishment of Statehood of Jammu & Kashmir.”


"Deliberation upon the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian conflict with special emphasis on NATO’s Role."

"Deliberating upon the allegations of using WMDs (Weapons of Mass-Destruction) on Iraqi Government in 2003 and before by the Western Countri... Read all


“Deliberation upon Palestinian Refugee Crisis and Recent attacks on Refugee Camps in Gaza by Israeli Forces with special emphasis on Limitat... Read all


“Deliberation upon Extra-judicial killings of minorities with special reference to MENA and Asian Region and the violations of UN Resolution... Read all

Partner Conferences

ENMUN 2024Logo
ENMUN 2024

Online, India


Chinmay PanditaProfile Picture

Chinmay Pandita
Director General

Atharav  Sharma Profile Picture

Atharav Sharma
President | Secretary General