education is quite simply, peace-building by another name
Chaumun 2024 is our first MUN.
We would be so happy to reveive a lot of foreign delegates from a lot of countries to have an interesting debate. We want do all we can to help you for your coming in Chaumont. More we will be more interesting it will be.
Chaumun will stay in Chaumont a little City in south of Champagne (France). This city is near Djion, Nancy or Troyes.
We will organize two committees one for english speaking people or for students who learn english, and another one for french speaking people or for students who learn french.
You can arrive in Chaumont by train, or by a airport shuttle from Paris, Beauvais, Lyon, euroairport Mulhouse-Basel.
We can offer to the foreign students hosting families to be receive and to deepen relationships between delegates.
We can help you to book the hotels for teacher. We can ask to our teachers to receive some foreigns teachers if it is a necessity.
Our high school can offer to the delegates some places in our boarding school with breakfast.
The organization provides for city tour, visits, freindship activities, and a party in our high school.
Partner Conferences
Bertrand Saintot