CASMUN 2025 | Sopot 2025-06-07 | 2025-06-07 | mymun


Sopot, Poland

Jun 7 - Jun 9, 2025

180 delegates expected

University Students and School Students



Oct 6, 2024 - Feb 16, 2025

Diplomacy is the future



The goal of the Monte Cassino Model United Nations is to invite future diplomats and leaders from around the world to engage in dynamic discussions, gain new international friendships, and develop a greater understanding of the United Nations organization among the youth. Held in the Faculty of Economics of Gdańsk University, our conference aims to bring together high school and university students passionate about diplomacy, international relations, politics, and making a positive impact on the world.


Why should first-timers attend our conference?


Friendly Environment: One of the primary objectives of our staff is to encourage new people to join the amazing Mun community. This is why our staff is dedicated to helping, supporting, and answering any questions regarding the conference.

Delegate training: We will make sure that every first-time delegate receives dedicated instructions regarding the conference as well as a group online meeting for all first-time delegates.


Discover the UN: Our conference is an amazing chance for every aspiring activist and politician to get to know the real-life UN procedures and will help the delegates fully understand the work done by real representatives working in the United Nations Organization.


Meet your mentor: With the long guest and guest speaker lists, we can assure every delegate that our conference will be a chance not only to listen to the people active on the political and activist stage but also to have a moment and exchange political views and opinions with them, which can greatly broaden the horizons of every delegate present during the conference.


Keynote Speakers and Guests

CASMUN 2025 will be an opportunity for beginners and future diplomats to meet those who already work in global, national, and local politics. Those guests and speakers will be a chance for our delegates to obtain valuable insights that can help them achieve greater success in their future political career or any other field of life.



The involvement of the University of Gdańsk 

The University of Gdańsk is a sponsor and co-organizer of the CASMUN Conference and will contribute not only the amazing Faculty of Economics venue but also logistical and marketing support for the conference.

The University of Gdańsk supports the conference’s goals of spreading awareness and knowledge regarding local and global politics and is willing to express their enthusiasm towards both those who are already members of the MUN community as well as first-timers and observers.

The city of Sopot

Sopot is a small but beautiful city on the shore of the Baltic Sea, famous for its beautiful beaches and parks as well as the massive forest surrounding the city. It is located between two larger cities, Gdynia and Gdańsk, with which it forms the Tri-City Agglomeration, which all together has a population of over 700 thousand. The agglomeration is full of affordable hotels and apartments, as well as nightclubs and shopping galleries, where the delegates can spend their time between the debates.

Contact Information






Security Council
UN Women
Future Security Council
Human Rights Council
World Health Organisation
Arab League
United Nations Economic and Social Council
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Polish Sejm Committee
Security Council
UN Women
Future Security Council
Human Rights Council
World Health Organisation
Arab League
United Nations Economic and Social Council
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Polish Sejm Committee

The debates will be conducted in Polish

Partner Conferences

POLMUN 2024Logo

Warsaw, Poland

SilMUN 2025Logo
SilMUN 2025

Opole, Poland

LUBMUN 2025Logo

Lublin, Poland

CHAUMUN 2025Logo

Chaumont, France

HoffMUN 2025Logo
HoffMUN 2025

Warsaw, Poland

IPSMUN 2025Logo

Wrocław, Poland

RaszMUN 2025Logo
RaszMUN 2025

Warsaw, Poland

WarmiaMUN 2024Logo
WarmiaMUN 2024

Olsztyn, Poland

VLOMUN 2025Logo

Warsaw, Poland

KATMUN 2025Logo

Katowice, Poland

GliwiceDeMUN 2024Logo
GliwiceDeMUN 2024

Gliwice, Poland

CEMUN  2025Logo
CEMUN 2025

Łódź, Poland

SteviMUN 2025Logo
SteviMUN 2025

Warsaw, Poland

HoffMUN 2024Logo
HoffMUN 2024

Warsaw, Poland

GDNMUN 2025Logo

Gdańsk, Poland

EISMUN 2025Logo

Krakow, Poland

SparkMUN 2025Logo
SparkMUN 2025

Poznań, Poland


Aleksander MontanaProfile Picture

Aleksander Montana
Secretary General

Jakub SztąborowskiProfile Picture

Jakub Sztąborowski
Director General

Krzysztof KosekProfile Picture

Krzysztof Kosek
Deputy Director General

Maja Waszczyk Profile Picture

Maja Waszczyk
Head of Design

Paweł RekowskiProfile Picture

Paweł Rekowski
Media Manager

Wiktoria PiaskProfile Picture

Wiktoria Piask
Co-President of the General Assembly