CANIMUN 2018 | Ottawa 2018-03-08 | 2018-03-08 | mymun


Ottawa, Canada

Mar 8 - Mar 11, 2018

250 delegates expected

University Students

As an initiative of the United Nations Association in Canada, the Canadian International Model United Nations (CANIMUN) conference sets itself apart from other conferences on the Model UN circuit by its ambition to be the most realistic simulation of United Nations activities. The format and process of CANIMUN’s committees are designed to resemble the actual United Nations as closely as possible, offering an educational forum for young scholars to engage in current international issues and challenges, and to develop the skills, tools and knowledge required to become future leaders. Open to university, college and CEGEP students, CANIMUN offers delegates the opportunity to engage in multilateral negotiation, consensus-building, diplomacy and debate, all while having fun and networking in the Nation’s capital!