CancunMUN 2018 | Cancun 2018-11-08 | 2018-11-08 | mymun


Cancun, Mexico

Nov 8 - Nov 10, 2018

250 delegates expected

School Students

Start the wave

CancunMUN is the most prestigious Model United Conference in Southeast Mexico. A Model United Nations conference is one in which students from all over the world take the role of an international delegate of any given country. These delegations join various committees in order to debate current or recent worldwide issues, with the purpose of finding viable solutions, much like how the real United Nations committees operate. The objective of the conference is to teach high school students how modern international politics and global policies are created and enforced, in essence, how the world operates today. The conference also teaches leadership skills, tolerance, and teamwork, skills that are vital for the healthy development of one's self and one's relationship with the world. We believe it is essential for todayยดs youth to know how everything works at an international level, as we will be the next world leaders.


Security Council
The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
General assembly
Security Council
The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
General assembly

15 Spots


38 Spots
