BIMUN 2021 | Budapest 2021-04-09 | 2021-04-09 | mymun


Budapest, Hungary

Apr 9 - Apr 13, 2021

150 delegates expected

School Students

Dear Future Participants of BIMUN ’21,

it is my pleasure to warm-heartedly welcome all of you at the 10th anniversary of Budapest International Model United Nation (BIMUN) for 2021.

This year has brought some unexpected burdens onto our lives. The COVID-19 pandemic has been threatening our well-being, our safety, our schools and our jobs, while also negatively affecting our beloved model united nations (MUN) experience.

We aim to give the best and most memorable experience for all participants within the boundaries of the current situation. Therefore, the conference will take place in a hybrid solution, meaning that participation in April will be possible either online or in person (in Budapest, Hungary), depending on individual preferences and the state of the COVID-19 crisis. If you choose to participate online, you will be connected to the live sessions in Budapest via virtual conference softwares (e.g. Zoom). Given you apply for in-person participation, you may decide to switch to online participation if your country's regulations prohibit your travel, in which case a unique refund policy will apply. 

This anniversary session of International Budapest Model United Nations will take place in a somewhat different format. In order to compensate for the possible disadvantages caused by a hybrid conference, we came up with professional reforms to make the BIMUN experience even more exciting. All committees will be given a common crisis, with updates continuously being issued through the days of the conference. The topics will only serve as a highlight on the aspects of the crisis which the given committee should focus on. This further means that all committees will work on an ad hoc basis, delegates will need to submit individual operative clauses instead of entire draft resolutions. 

I know that the upcoming months are going to be challenging. The Organisers and the Professional Team are working hard to provide the best experience for you, one that you certainly did not have before. I hope that many of you will choose to participate in our exciting debates in these novel circumstances. We cannot wait to see you at the 10th anniversary of BIMUN on 9-13 April, 2021.

Illés Katona


BIMUN 2020

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