BFSUMUNC 2024 | Beijing 2024-04-04 | 2024-04-04 | mymun


Beijing, China

Apr 4 - Apr 6, 2024

250 delegates expected

University Students and School Students



Jan 25, 2024 - Jan 31, 2024


Jan 26, 2024 - Mar 20, 2024

Rebuild Trust for a Sustainable Future

Our History & Values

  • Beijing Foreign Studies University, or BFSU is one of China's top universities under the direct administration of the Chinese Ministry of Education(MoE). It's listed under Project 985, Project 211, and the “Double First Class Project” of China. BFSU teaches 101 foreign languages and houses China's largest non-general language teaching cluster. BFSU has also launched programs in fields like humanities, law, economics, management, and education. Currently, there are more than 50 state or ministerial research bases in BFSU, covering areas like Linguistic studies, Regional and Country Studies and People-to-People Exchanges.For more information about BFSU, you could visit or search “Beijing Foreign Studies University”, “BFSU” or “北外” through browser.
  • Established in 2005, the Beijing Foreign Studies University Model United Nations Association has always adhered to the spirit of the “Cradle of Diplomats of the Republic” of our institute and has repeatedly practiced and made great achievements in its nineteen years. With the strong support of countless colleagues and our crucial partners in our community, BFSUMUNA successfully held 16 Model United Nations Conferences, creating a top-ranking platform for academic exchanges and demonstrating high-quality conference services.
  • The core value of our association is “Together for an Inclusive and Sustainable World”, the Tagline of the 17th BFSUMUNC is “Rebuild Trust for a Sustainable Future”. The academic working principles of this year's conference are "Academic First", "Academic Neutrality" and"Delegates Orientation".

Introduction of BFSUMUNC2024

  • This year we have 7 committees and 1 main press center (MPC). We have the capacity to hold approximately 250 delegates all over the world.
  •  In all 7 committees, two of them are committees using Chinese (Mandarin) as the working language, four are using English, and one using French. The MPC will be only applied to committees whose working language is Chinese or English. Delegates of each committee should guarantee the proficiency of the working language. The specific topic is displayed at the “Committees” site.
  • for more information concerning conference, please contact us through our official email:, or follow us on our WeChat Official Account: 北外模联BFSUMUN. We do not have any other media platforms.   
  • From Jan.26 to Jan.31 we are recruiting chairs, if you are interested, please read our first announcement on our WeChat Official Account or Email us to learn more.                                                 



Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR)
Ally versus Ally: 1982 Transatlantic Negotiation
United Nations General Assembly First Committee
COP28-SBSTA (Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice)
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO)
主新闻中心 Main Press Center
Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR)
Ally versus Ally: 1982 Transatlantic Negotiation
United Nations General Assembly First Committee
COP28-SBSTA (Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice)
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO)
主新闻中心 Main Press Center

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“This day, June 18, 1982, could well go down as the beginning of the end of the Atlantic Alliance.” Claude Cheysson, then foreign minister of France In the wake of the energy crisis of the 197...

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L’éducation transforme la vie et est au cœur de la mission de l’UNESCO pour construire la paix, éradiquer la pauvreté et conduire le développement durable. C'est un droit humain pour tous, tout au lon...

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Making Global Efforts to Protect Asylum Seekers


Addressing East-West Trade issues within the Transatlantic Alliance


Reconstruction of Security, Democracy and Human Rights in Sahel Region


Sustainable Agricultural Development and Action under Climate Change Challenge


La révolution et la promotion de l’éducation à l’ère technologique
