Model UN in the heart of Europe
Model UN in the heart of Europe
The United Nations Society Nuremberg e.V. has the pleasure of inviting you to BayernMUN 2025.
The conference will take place soon after from the 28th of February to the 2nd of March, 2025. You will be able to register from November 15th 2024 to January 31st 2025 on our website!
The United Nations Society Nuremberg e.V. is the host of BayernMUN and was founded in 2012 to spread the spirit of mutual international understanding and to spread as well knowledge and interest in the work of the United Nations.
BayernMUN was founded in 2011. It was first named “FrankenMUN”, after “Franken” (Engl.: Franconia), the region of Northern Bavaria around Nuremberg. As the conference became bigger and more international, it was renamed to what we know today: “BayernMUN”, after the region “Bayern” (Engl.: Bavaria). After moving from Neuendettelsau to Nuremberg and accomplishing a larger reform of the conference in structure, design, and professionalism in 2016/2017, the conference has the appearance it has today. BayernMUN is especially known for its quality in chairs, organization and rules of procedure among the German and European world of Model UN. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, BayernMUN21 and BayernMUN22 were held online.
The conference (as well as the accomodation) will take place at the ,,Eppelein-Saal” of the Youth Hostel Nuremberg. The hall is located at DJH Jugendherberge Nürnberg, Burg 2, 90403 Nuremberg, inside the spectacular Nuremberg castle. It is a 5 minute walk away from Nuremberg’s Central Market (Hauptmarkt). You will also be accommodated at the newly renovated youth hostel in the castle of Nuremberg. There you will stay in three to six people dorms. However, you are also free to book an alternative accommodation.
In 2025, BayernMUN is simulating one committee, the United Nations General Assembly. Delegations of two are encouraged but not mandatory.
On Saturday evening we will be offering a social event, which is not mandatory for the delegates to participate in, but will present a perfect chance for them to get to know their fellow delegates personally.
Age & Participation (ARE RESTRICTED by the German government) will be restricted.
BayernMUN is open for university and high school students. Participation without supervision is only possible for delegates who are older than 16 years at the time of the conference. Students younger than 16 years will have to be supervised by a teacher or any other adult. Please contact the Secretariat in this case. The participation in social activities in the evenings is restricted for delegates under 18 years by the German government.
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