AUMUN 2019 | MADRID 2019-10-23 | 2019-10-23 | mymun



Oct 23 - Oct 26, 2019

200 delegates expected

University Students


Dear participants of AUMUN 2019,

It is my honour and my pleasure to present you this edition of our beloved Conference. Throughout its existence, AUMUN has been characterized for being a Model of “craftmanship”, a Model designed by and for students. This fourth edition will be no different. I am proud to say that this year’s enthusiastic Secretariat is putting its heart and soul into making the Conference the best possible experience. We are working with passion in order to meet all your academic, social and logistic needs. We don’t want just to live up to your expectations, we want to push it one step further and make you love AUMUN as much as we do.

However, this would not make any sense if it was not for you. It is you, Chairs and delegates, the ones who bring the Conference to life; it is you the ones who, with your energy and dedication, make this model outstanding. I know about your desire to contribute for a better world, but you should be aware that this change will not come effortlessly. We have to train and educate ourselves if we are to make any real impact on the way our societies run. That is the raison d’être of MUN: developing public speaking, active listening and negotiation skills in a context of tolerance and broad mindedness that will help us  leave a footprint wherever we decide to go.

I am not going to lie to you, this will not be an easy ride. Reaching agreements is not a trouble-free task. However, you should be aware that nothing worth doing comes without effort. But do not be afraid: the feeling of reward that prevails after such an endeavour will, beyond any doubt, pay-off all the hours of work.  

Welcome to your Conference.

Welcome to AUMUN 2019.

Alejandro Menéndez

Secretary General


AUMUN 2019



98 Ratings

By linking previous editions of your conference you show people how well they were rated!


Historical Security Council  [Level: Advanced]
DISEC  [Level: Intermediate]
6ª Comisión de la Asamblea General  [Nivel: Intermedio-Legal]
Organización de los Estados Americanos  [Nivel: Principiante]
Consejo de Derechos Humanos  [Nivel: Principiante]
Crisis committee: 1917, the Russian Revolution  [Level: Advanced]
Historical Security Council [Level: Advanced]
DISEC [Level: Intermediate]
6ª Comisión de la Asamblea General [Nivel: Intermedio-Legal]
Organización de los Estados Americanos [Nivel: Principiante]
Consejo de Derechos Humanos [Nivel: Principiante]
Crisis committee: 1917, the Russian Revolution [Level: Advanced]

16 Spots


37 Spots


16 Spots


26 Spots


33 Spots


20 Spots


March 1998: the Kosovo War


Fight against international cybercrime

Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons


El alcance del principio de jurisdicción universal

La protección de los informantes


La crisis de Venezuela

Lucha contra la delincuencia organizada transnacional


El derecho de autodeterminación del pueblo Palestino

Eliminación de la mutilación genital femenina


The Russian Revolution

Partner Conferences


Madrid, Spain

UC3MUN 2019Logo
UC3MUN 2019

Getafe, Madrid, Spain

MUNUSAL 2019Logo

Salamanca, Spain

LisboMUN 2020Logo
LisboMUN 2020

Lisbon, Portugal


Celia HernandoProfile Picture

Celia Hernando
USG for communication

Isabel Fernández PérezProfile Picture

Isabel Fernández Pérez
Vice-Secretary General

Juan Arconada GilProfile Picture

Juan Arconada Gil
USG for logistics

Laura CentenoProfile Picture

Laura Centeno
USG for applications

Paula MuñozProfile Picture

Paula Muñoz
USG for social events

Pedro ZaballosProfile Picture

Pedro Zaballos
USG for crisis

Sergio HernangómezProfile Picture

Sergio Hernangómez
USG for finances & sponsorship