ASTMUN 2023 | Astana 2023-05-20 | 2023-05-20 | mymun


Astana, Kazakhstan

May 20 - May 22, 2023


75 delegates expected

School Students



Jan 17, 2023 - Mar 13, 2023

Faculty Advisor

Jan 17, 2023 - May 13, 2023

Us at QSI Astana's Model United Nations team are elated to announce that this year we will be hosting an in-person conference, scheduled for May 20th to May 22nd of 2023.

Our conference shines as one of the largest secondary school-focused, English-only debates in Central Asia. We are delighted to bring forth an opportunity for students from all around our region to develop their speaking and intellectual skills as well as establish connections and bonds with their peers to last them a lifetime.

More information is soon to follow – and in the meantime, please apply on the website to express your interest in attending our conference!


General Assembly
Security Council
General Assembly
Security Council