Beatriz Santos Mayo

“No matter what field you pursue, MUN skills are vital”

MUN Stars - Kesav Prasanth Menon

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While I was on the hunt for MUN stars, I couldn’t help but think of Kesav, one of the incredible chairs at KaMUN 2024. So when I found out he’s organizing an MUN conference this April, I knew I had to get the inside scoop! After all, who better than me, the “gossip girl” of MUN, to dish out all the juicy details to our followers?
Kesav is originally from India but spent most of his school years in Dubai. Now, he’s tackling Mechanical Engineering in Germany (talk about a heavy load!). His MUN journey started way back in 2016, where he first represented Japan in the WTO committee. To his surprise, he bagged the Best Position Paper award! He did joke a bit about the lack of socials, but hey, there was a small event with snacks and non-alcoholic beverages, so not all was lost. He told me, “I was already into debating at school, and MUN just felt like a natural extension of that.” His key to success? Preparation. At his school, they have coaches and senior students guiding the newbies, and it really makes a difference. 
Although he's deep into engineering now, Kesav still finds MUN fascinating and a great way to stay on top of current affairs.  

“It teaches you to see the world from the perspective of different leaders, and that’s invaluable.”

 This year, Kesav is the SG of the first-ever Munich Diplomatic Summit, open to everyone. MDS is organized by MUNTUM, and this year, they're putting in so much effort to make it more impactful. They’ve got two big goals: 
  • Sustainability: The theme is "Blueprints of Tomorrow: Designing Sustainable Futures."
  • Making MUN more accessible: They’re offering free delegate packages to make it easier for high school students to participate.
Kesav told me the experience has been amazing so far, especially with his awesome USGs team—shoutout to Sebastina and Luisa, who are absolutely killing it. As for the biggest challenge, time management definitely took the crown, but he’s learned so much along the way. To be honest my application for the conference is half-finished… So maybe I should get on that before the deadline. mymun is making their journey easier too: “It’s super helpful for keeping track of delegate applications and everything MUN-related. I'm really happy we’re using it!”
Kesav has chaired multiple times and shared that crafting a great study guide is about deeply understanding and structuring the subject. He also mentioned that tools like MUN Command have been a game-changer in his chairing journey. “It helps keep track of time, motions, and even delegate stats. We didn’t have anything like this in school.”
Oh, and let’s not forget that Kesav is part of the Model United Nations at TU Munich e.V., where people from all kinds of backgrounds and academic focuses come together. He’s made so many great friends through it. He even spilled some tea (well, I had to ask as the MUN gossip girl, of course!): two of his delegates got married during a conference—seriously, it became such a meme within the society. 
Kesav’s journey proves that MUN is not just about debating or conferences—it’s a space where you can merge your passions and build essential skills that go beyond the conference room. His experience as an engineering student and MUNer shows how valuable cross-disciplinary skills can be. So, if you’re a STEM major, don’t hesitate: join MUN now! Trust me, you don´t want to miss out on this chance.