Ekin Tug

An Introduction To MUN Socials

Preparing yourself for socials at MUN

MUN is the perfect platform to live by the rule <<Work Hard, Play Hard>>.  Because after hours sitting and raising placards in your committees, the fun begins when the session is adjourned. But how can you prepare for a social? What’s the purpose of MUN socials? With this article, we’re going to understand why socials are a very important part of the conference. 
The purpose of these socials is to get to know your fellow delegates better and to continue your discussions in a livelier atmosphere. Before you pack for your next MUN adventure, it is very much advised upon to look at the schedule. Because some MUNs have special nights where you dress accordingly to your county or the country you are representing that needs special preparing for. But other than this exception, the dress code is between black tie, cocktail or casual dress. 
But bear in mind that you might also not have the time to go back to where you are staying to change every single day. For some socials, you will go directly to the social after the committee session. 

The first social usually takes place in a calmer venue, it can be at a restaurant, or a cocktail, or might be a pub crawl. But the aim of the first social is to meet your fellow delegates and to engage conversations. Don’t expect anything too wild and crazy for your first social because you will have to keep your energy for the rest of the conference. The dress code varies from formal to smart casual. 

The second night and the last night is where it gets interesting because there might be a theme planned for one of these socials. There are a few options, either it’s a gala type night where you need to wear black tie or it’s a themed night and the theme varies from a special period of time to anything. You will have to look at the schedule of the conference so that you can prepare it before and pack everything you need.  

The last social, my personal favorite, is the one that lasts until quite late but the closing ceremony the next day will usually start late for you to catch up on some sleep. And believe me when I tell you that you will need some sleep to keep up with the busy schedule. What’s interesting and fun about the clubbing social is you get to meet a different side of people you were seeing for the past few days in suits and formal dresses. There, you get to dress down, as you are and be who you are.  

When you think about it, socials nearly cover half of the conference. This is why it’s important you use this time in the best way possible. A conference might have a separate social pack; this means that the conference fee you pay won’t cover all the events taking place during the night. I highly encourage you to purchase this social pack, before the conference, because sometimes social packs are sold out if you wait for the last minute.
The purpose of a social is to form friendships and engage people from all over the world to talk about the topics they are interested in. But if you ask me why MUN socials are important, it’s because best friendships happen during a MUN and depending on the region you live in, you will probably see many of your fellow delegates on your other MUN adventures. My advice is to treat every encounter as a lasting one because you’ll never know where you will meet them again after few days of conference.