Enter and shape the world of MUN with mymun

We make MUN Conferences accessible for delegates and easy to host for organizers. Find and register for conferences around the globe.

MUN Speech


MUN stands for Model United Nations and is an educational and academic simulation of diplomatic decision making. During an MUN conference, students aged 12 and older learn about diplomacy, international relations, the United Nations and other international organizations. MUN teaches its participants, called "Delegates" valuable skills like researching, public speaking, debating, and writing, teamwork, and cultural empathy.

MUN Chair

Why Participate?


You will become amazing at public speaking, debating, and teamwork skills.


You will learn about the way international organizations like the UN work!


You will make a lot of new connections and friends around the world!


You will make an internationally recognized addition to your CV!


You will travel the world!

MUN Europe!

Six cities, six conferences hosted by a team you can trust. How many of those are we going to see each other at?


The world's most professionally hosted MUN conferences and cultural depth you won't find anywhere else. Learn more about Asia's top conferences.

Join DMUN’s
Free and Online Programs!

Free high-quality online programs hosted by DMUN. From Model UN to speaking opportunities, join students shaping global leadership and diplomacy.

ComMUNity Chat

Discuss everything MUN in an open and safe environment! Find like-minded students who are preparing for their conference, chat with other organizers and connect with the mymun team in just one click.

Hall of Fame

Discover the conferences which participants rated best during previous years in our conference hall of fame!

Organizer Tools

Applications & Payments

Allow delegates to register and take payments within minutes!


Easily assign and notify conference participants with just two clicks.


Get your conference seen by hundreds of thousands of MUNers around the world!